About my suggestion that he should start a ‘well dressed oarsmen and women blog’, he finds it “an interesting one, but I'm not sure there is enough material. Most of the world seems to want to dress like teenage skateboarders.” How true this is. My son is not there - yet. Last spring, when my family and I were visiting the ‘fancy’ children’s clothing store in Mystic, he got the idea that he wanted a tie. Very happily I agreed and allowed him to pick out one. He picked out a stylish yellow tie with dinosaurs which maybe would not be my first choice, but on the other hand he is only four…

Senior International or Olympic
Under 23 and Junior International - only if the date on the pocket is less than 5 or more than 25 years ago
Oxford/Cambridge full rowing Blue
Leander Club
Top rowing club, university or school - usually means a club with recent Henley wins
Navy blue blazer but with tie representing any of the above
Oxford/Cambridge half rowing Blue
Other rowing school or university
Low performance rowing club
Plain navy blue with low performance club tie
Non-rowing related blazer with an embroidered pocket – if it’s not for rowing we’re not impressed
Any navy blue store brand with indiscriminate non-rowing tie.
Garishly coloured ‘fashion’ blazer
Anything in tweed
A Suit
and so far the Tideway Slug.”

“On British Pathé,” Tim writes “there is this short film of Henley in 1938 which shows several men in the everyday lounge suits and trilby hats of the time”:
Tim finished up today’s entry by saying that “In my last posting [on Friday 26 March] I was very rude about Americans wearing Tuxedos during the day. To be fair to our Transatlantic Cousins, U.S. school and university crews at Henley are usually amongst the smartest people attending. (Apart from their shoes - and baseball caps.) Also it must be admitted that (arguably) incorrect formality is better than not trying at all. Was it Woody Allen who said that, in California, ‘formal’ means long pants?”
Thank you Tim for yet another enjoyable entry!
good job .. i like it !! :) this is a new knowledge for me .