Lovely photographs, Bill – thank you very much, indeed!
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Greetings: I have rowed competitively for 38 years, since 1973 at the Royal Canadian Henley course in St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. I note with great interest your photos and post regarding Ned Hanlan. I am trying to assemble documents and history about Hanlan. I have recently purchased a silver trophy called the "Queen's Hotel Cup for Pair Oar and Shell" awarded at the very first regatta of the Canadian Association of Amateur Oarsmen (CAAO), in August 1880, the forerunner of the Royal Canadian Henley. I was largely responsible for the re-dedication of the Hanlan monument, on June 12, 2004, which included exhibition single races, with a turn, and my historical photos about Hanlan and his achievements. I would be grateful for assistance relating to any history about Ned Hanlan. Thank you kindly! Yours in rowing, Richard MacFarlane, Hanlan Boat Club, Toronto, Canada r n m a c f a r l a n e @ g m a i l . c o m