The annual ‘Doggett’s Coat and Badge Wager’ took place on 15th July on the Thames between London Bridge and Cadogan Pier, Chelsea. The organisers posted the following notice in traditional style:
The names of the four young Watermen who are to row on Thursday 15th July 2010, in the 296th Race for the Livery and Badge provided yearly under the will of the late MR. THOMAS DOGGETT, a famous Comedian, in commemoration of the happy Accession of His Majesty, George I, to the Throne of Great Britain in 1714, are:
Dean Pettipher, Gravesend RC, Green, Station 1
Charlie Ruler, Poplar, Blackwell & District RC, Yellow, Station 2
Daniel Alloway, London RC, Red, Station 3
Daniel Arnold, Tideway Scullers School, Blue, Station 4
Held every year since 1715, the generally little known Doggett’s Coat and Badge is the oldest rowing event in existence. It was 114 years old when the Oxford – Cambridge Boat Race started in 1829 and 124 years old when Henley Regatta started in 1839. It is one of the oldest continuously held sporting competitions in the word.
‘Doggett’s’ is a sculling race of 4.6 miles / 7400 metres, only open to those who have, in the preceding three years, finished their apprenticeship to become Thames Watermen. These ‘Freemen’ are the only people allowed to carry goods and passengers on the river. Strangely, while ‘the Wager’ is only for members of the Company of Watermen and Lightermen, since 1722 the event has actually been run by the Fishmongers’ Company. One theory is that the respectable Fishmongers were considered more suitable to look after Doggett’s legacy than the roguish Watermen.
The Coat and Badge was originally a race of heavy passenger carrying wherries sculled against the tide and could take two hours. Today it is run with the tide in contemporary sculling boats and the modern record is just over 23 minutes. The winner gets a splendid scarlet coat with a large silver arm badge embossed with an image of the horse of House of Hanover - and the honour of joining a very exclusive group.
I was lucky to be able to follow the 2010 race in passenger boat charted by the Waterman’s Company. The frightening water conditions made it a true test of watermanship with every sculler having to decide between staying in the fast water in the middle of the river or going to the relative shelter, but slower water, of the sides. Afterwards I got an analysis of the race from a man who had one the best views, Charles Newens. Chas, as he is universally known, is a Past Master of the Watermen’s Company and, as the co-owner of Chas Newens Marine of Putney, has supplied and driven the umpire’s launches for many Doggett’s and Oxford – Cambridge races:

After we came ashore, Nick Beasley (Watermen’s Bargemaster and race winner in 2001) was kind enough to take me to the ‘Hung, Drawn and Quartered’ pub near the Tower of London. This is the Watermen’s traditional post race meeting place and I was privileged to meet about twenty previous winners, including the latest, Dan Arnold (below on the left). He had this to say:

1) Arnold 30 min. 25 sec.
2) Pettipher 30 min. 48 sec.
3) Alloway 31 min. 53 sec.
4) Ruler 38 min. 05 sec.
In 1715 Thomas Doggett, announced that the race ‘…… will be continued annually……forever’. Thankfully, it looks like it will.
Thank you for this report, Tim !
ReplyDeleteI associate "wager" with "gambling"... Is the word still used because of the history of this event... ?
Hélène, the word 'wager' is used in the historical sense, that of 'an ancient form of trial by personal combat between the parties or their champions' (Oxford English Dictionary). Having said that, the reason that rowing developed into a sport (as well as a practical activity) was because people gambled on the result of races between watermen. Where there is betting there is corruption and this in turn led to the fanatical devotion to the cult of amateurism when rowing was taken up by the middle and upper classes. Tim.
ReplyDeletePlease can you tell me if Leander Club was originally made up of watermen?
ReplyDeleteLeander Club was founded by members of two old clubs, “The Star” and “The Arrow”, in London in 1818 or 1819, and had a limited membership of sixteen men, which later increased until it was eliminated in 1862. In the 1820s, both “The Star” and “The Arrow” died, but Leander lived on, so by the mid-1820s it was a boat club with full activity. The club was associated with professional watermen, using them to cox the boats, and, it is also says, “It was the first club to support young watermen and instituted a coat and badge for scullers.” In the late 1850s, Leander started to recruit its members from Oxford University BC and Cambridge University BC. We have to remember at this time both amateurs and professional watermen would mix in boat races. Even Oxford and Cambridge used watermen as coxswains and trainers at this time. Sorry there is no simple answer to your question, but it is very likely that among the founders of Leander Club there were professional watermen.