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Congratulations Tim, very well deserved. Merry Christmas to you, Göran and all the HTBS readers.
ReplyDeleteGreg Denieffe
Thank you very much, Greg. I wish you a Merry Christmas, too!
ReplyDeleteToutes mes félicitations, Tim ! Joyeuses fêtes de fin d'année à tous !
ReplyDeleteHélène - merci beaucoup, Göran - så mycket, Greg - thank you very much (or possibly - go raibh maith agat). Also thanks to everyone who is interested enough in rowing and its wonderful history and heritage to visit this site. Please feel free to give feedback via this 'post a comment' section. It's always nice to have confirmation that someone is out there, even though we are past 90 000 hits!
ReplyDeleteVery best wishes to you all,
Hear, Hear...