Four weeks from now, the Henley Royal Regatta will begin, on 29 June. At several occasion HTBS has had entries about how important it is to be dressed the right way to have access to the 'inner circle', the Stewards' Enclosure. The non-active website The World of Rabbit gives entertaining accounts of the dress code for those who would like to 'dress right' - click here to read it. The Daily Telegraph have had pieces how to dress the traditional way at different social summer events, including the Henley Royal. Click here to read one of those articles. Also certain 'fashion blogs' will give you advice, like for example Girl Meets Dress (just so you know, I had to google that one, as it's not one of my usual reads).
If you think that just because they let you in at the Royal Ascot in a particular dress, that you would have access to the Stewards' Enclosure in the same dress, think again, ladies!

Haha seems like a cool website, won't blame you for looking at it and reading their blog ;)