Today, it is exactly
two years ago I started this blog, 'Hear The Boat Sing', HTBS. Honestly, I really did not have any big plans for my blogging about the history of rowing, although it is a subject close to my heart. I was surprised at the way the blog took off, though, and how many people from around the world had the same interest I have. This has been shown in many ways, but in particular, and this I am very happy about, how rowers have contacted me with questions and suggestions of topics to write about. Families and relatives of old famous oarsmen from England have also contacted me to share good stories, and, I hope, more are coming.

I am also extremely glad for those contributions I have been able to post on HTBS from rowing historians, journalists, rowers, and others, and here I would especially like to mention Hélène Rémond of France and Tim Koch of England, both of whom I now regard as fellow HTBS-arians.
For those who are interested in statistics, this is the 470th entry posted on HTBS, and as I am writing this, HTBS has had 45,688 'visits', but not during the two years it has been up running, no, only during one year's time as it was first after a year's blogging I attached this feature to HTBS.
And just so you know, I am not making any money on HTBS; therefore, to be able to feed the children and buy my dear wife a present now and then - and myself a new necktie and a book occasionally - I took a new job just after Christmas, an editorial job. The company gave me the fancy title 'Editor', but it is not at all as glamorous as it sounds... By the way, this meant that my blogging fell behind, but hopefully I will soon be able to catch up, as there are many, many good rowing history stories to tell.
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