Monday, January 31, 2011
Who Was The Model In 'The Young Rower'?
Earlier today one of HTBS’s popular entries, The Female Rower, 1930 Style! (posted on 3 October 2009) got an anonymous comment about the young lady in the painting. The comment reads: “I was looking for an image of this picture and came across your blog (through Google search) and analysis of the painting. The woman in the picture was my grandmother and her name was indeed Freda. She passed away in 2005 at the age of 95. She had a copy of this painting hanging in her flat in Twickenham (UK) for as long as I can remember. She worked as an artist’s model for much of her early life, sitting for people such as Captain Glasson, as well as Sir James Gunn. In fact, Sir James Gunn did two portraits of my grandmother, one complete, the other unfinished. My family still retains the originals (oil on canvas). She was 23 in this painting and yes, unmarried. She didn’t marry until 1941. Thank you for posting!”
This was a very nice surprise, and a nice little foot note both for the art world and the world of rowing history. Many thanks to Anonymous. If you happened to have more information to share about your grandmother I would be very happy to post it on HTBS!
See also entry on 20 December, 2010.
This was a very nice surprise, and a nice little foot note both for the art world and the world of rowing history. Many thanks to Anonymous. If you happened to have more information to share about your grandmother I would be very happy to post it on HTBS!
See also entry on 20 December, 2010.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
The Geometry Of Rowing

He saw in the body
Of a gull the shape
Of a shell,
In the legs of an egret
The shape of oars.
Through his mind he had angled these
Into the shell he rowed.
Each time he rowed the water
He saw himself in flight,
A point on the radar screen of the cosmos.
He saw himself the radius of a circle,
A line through space.
To embody space, to connect himself
To the cosmos,
Underlaid his need to row. To feel
The pull of the water against his oars,
To feel the pull of water against his muscles,
Angled him
Between earth and heaven.
Philip Kuepper
Saturday, January 29, 2011
John Biglin, The Hard-Assed Coach?

Indeed you can. Thank you for sharing this great photo with the readers of HTBS, Bill! The photograph is from Armherst College Archives.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Larry Gluckman Honored At Power Ten

The crowd of 250 included rowers from many different schools, with a strong showing from Trinity, where Larry also coached. Princeton was well represented. Michael Vatis was there. Other Princeton notables included Doug Burden, Chris Ahrens, Phil Jacobs, Coach Greg Hughes, Coach Dan Roock, Coach Joe Murtaugh, Juan Sabater, Tim Wray, and Paul Caminiti. David Huntington and Marty Crotty ran the show. I have surely missed others. It was not only the tallest crowd I have seen, but also the most spirited. Catcalls and dinner rolls flew, as the speakers soldiered on.
You will be pleased to know, however, that Larry received an ovation. His remarks focused on how the rowing community is a small world. The evening proved him right.
At the close of the night, a man approached who informed me that he had rowed in Navy's 1985 boat. He wanted to talk about the IRA finals: how we had to race at 6:00 am and how his boat was leading at 750 meters when a wake from a media launch stopped them dead in the water. I found it refreshing that for decades Princeton rowers have had to wake up before dawn to race in the chop in Annapolis, yet this would be his complaint.
The second person was a well-mannered Brit who rowed in the Grand at Henley in 1985, for the University of London Boat Club. He was in the boat that we overtook on the grandstand stretch in the semi-final. He also sat in my same seat. He told me that their crew felt confident going into the race, because they had beaten the U.S. pre-elite team in the quarter-final. (A team that went on to win a silver a week later in Lucerne). He also told me something I had not known: there were six Olympians in his boat. "You surprised us," he said.
Attached are my remarks from the evening, for those unable to attend the evening, please find my remarks here.
With best regards, M. Evan Corcoran
My warmest thanks to Evan for his nice report!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
2010 FISA World Rowing Awards

Read more about these good rowing women and men by clicking here.
Read especially about Hart Perry - the 'Godfather of Rowing' - by clicking here.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
'I Crew' - I Don't Think So...
Some months back, I was involved in an e-mail discussion about using the word 'crew' as a verb. Strangely enough, that discussion was also initiated by a man called 'Jim'! (Probably the same fellow, I would imagine.)
The school I went to in Sweden taught us children British-English, instead of American-English, so when I moved to Connecticut ten years ago, I was convinced that ‘crewing’ was American-English for ‘rowing at an American college’ where they only row in eights and fours. But I now understand that it is not that easy. Early on you only ‘crewed’ at American upper-crust educational institutions, like Yale, Harvard, Penn, and the other Ivy League schools, while, for example, they practise ‘rowing’ at Trinity College in Hartford (their web site says ‘rowing’). In his article Andy mentions the example "My grandfather crewed at Yale".
It is true that the Ivy League schools’ practise of the word ‘crew’ has by now slipped down to the lower levels, smaller colleges, clubs, community rowing programmes, etc, and therefore more and more people are using ‘crewing’ as substitute for ‘rowing’ in America. However, after living here for ten years, I still have a problem with ‘crewing’ instead of ‘rowing’. In Britain they would never say ‘crewing’ for rowing at Oxford and Cambridge, nor would I. To me, ‘to crew’ can never be synonymous with to ‘row’ or the sport of rowing, because you would never say ‘crewing in a pair’, or would you? And my apologies all around as I am a foreigner in this country and my mother-tongue is not American-English, nor British-English, but Swedish (even some Swedes would disagree on this as I am from the south of Sweden with a strong dialect of its own). To me, using ‘crewing’ at certain times instead of ‘rowing’ is bad English, or at best, sloppy English that can confuse the listener or reader.
It can also, quite honestly, turn people off from continuing reading a text, at least that is what happened to me some months ago when I began reading an article in the Rowing News about one of the United States' most prominent female rowers, a world champion as a matter of fact, who was asked what she was doing for winter training. She answered: "I erg". I stopped reading right there!
Anyone interested in the expression 'crew team', should read what rowing historian Bill Miller has to say about that by clicking here.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Film Adaptation Of Renoir's Luncheon...

My warmest thanks to Hélène for sharing!
Monday, January 17, 2011
List Of Gigs Worldwide
Tim Koch followed up with another e-mail on gigs and gig rowing. He found a list of all gigs in the world! Go to the list by clicking on List of Gigs Worldwide.
Gig Rowing And Racing In America!

"My item on Cornish Gig Racing on 9 January 2011 prompted a query from a gentleman in Indiana asking where such rowing could be found in the USA. There is a BBC Cornwall story on American gig clubs here.
It seems to be a New England based sport. The only club named is Team Saquish Rowing Club, Saquish Beach, Plymouth, in Massachusetts. Their email is: - and I'm sure they could direct interested parties to their nearest club if there is one.
According to the BBC, in 2007 there were 26 gigs spread over Massachusetts, Vermont, Maine, and Connecticut, with approximately 10 gig clubs."
The photograph above is from Team Saquish RC member Hilary Moll's photo site.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
The Dragon Slaying Saint And A Cornish Pilot Gig Club

Tim sends this very nice video of the club training (see below) and he writes:
"It is, I think, taken from one of the BBC's 'Coast' programmes. This is now in its fifth series and will appeal to anyone interested in boats and things maritime. It's premise is that, in Britain, you are never more than 72 miles form the sea. It is an example of the BBC at its intelligent best. DVDs are available from the BBC online shop
Back to St. Göran and me - nope, there is no connection between the good saint and me, although, there is actually a sword in the Buckhorn Family Coat of Arms.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
HTBS's Tim Koch Visits The NMMC

Following my visit to Falmouth Gig Club I visited their neighbour, the splendid National Martime Museum, Cornwall (NMMC). This purpose built museum overlooking the busy Falmouth waterfront is now twelve years old. It is the result of collaboration between the former Cornwall Maritime Museum, Falmouth, and the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich, London. For many years the latter had been looking for a dramatic waterfront location to show its important collection of historic small boats. Falmouth, with its own nautical heritage and one of the world's finest natural harbours represented an ideal site. With initial funding from the National Heritage Lottery Fund, the NMMC was opened in June 1999.
As my photograph on top and this plan show, the award winning building is entirely ‘fit for purpose’. The exhibits within the building are impressive enough but, looking out of the windows onto Falmouth Harbour, there is an ever changing display of all types of marine craft. You can see what is happening at this minute on the museum’s web-cams which look out to sea, upriver and onto the delightful square in which the museum is based.
The NMMC’s mission statement is: "To promote an understanding of boats and their place in people's lives, to inspire new boat design and to promote an understanding of the maritime heritage of Cornwall."
Restoration is also an important part of its work. The workshop is part of the museum’s main hall and visitors can watch craftsmen at work repairing boats. A very exciting new project is the restoration of a 250 year old Native American canoe which was bought back to Cornwall by a British officer who fought in the American Rebellion / War of Independence and which, incredibly, has remained in his family ever since. It may be one of the oldest birch bark canoes in existence.
Each of the NMMC's collection of 140 boats was powered by the wind or by engines or by human effort. As the main interest of HTBS is with the latter, I have picked four of its ‘man powered’ craft to write about. They are all on show in the main hall, a 360 degree panorama of which can be viewed here.

It is interesting to note that many names used to describe boat parts are of Scandinavian origin - such as 'thole, 'thwart' and 'sax'. Length 16 ft 1 in / 4.9 m, beam 4 ft 10 in / 1.46 m, depth 1 ft 4 in / 0.41 m.

The National Maritime Museum Cornwall receives no government aid and must pay its own way so please support it if you can by visiting and / or becoming a member.
It is a great day out, even for those in the family who are usually reluctant to become involved with one of its members boating interests!
Thank you, Tim for an as always very interesting report. It made me want to go to the National Maritime Museum in Cornwall!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Hurry Up, Summer!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Peter Mallory's Final Chapter
Monday, January 10, 2011
James Cracknell On The Accident That Nearly Killed Him

The Daily Telegraph
Road CC
Sunday, January 9, 2011
The Revival Of Cornish Pilot Gig Racing 2

On a very cold day shortly before Christmas I appeared unannounced at Falmouth Gig Club. Founded in 1985, it is one of the top clubs, and the women have won the World Championships ten times. I found the men’s ‘A’ crew about to go out. Their captain, Fergus Muller, invited me to join them and pointed me towards the ‘pilot’s seat’ in the bow of the gig Energy. The cox was his wife, Amelia, herself a champion rower.

Fergus shows the catch.

Fergus shows the finish.

Many warm thanks to Tim for a very interesting report!
Saturday, January 8, 2011
The Revival Of Cornish Pilot Gig Racing 1

The county of Cornwall forms the tip of the south western peninsula of England. It is bordered to the west and north by the Atlantic Ocean, to the south by the English Channel and to the east by the River Tamar. Naturally, it has a strong maritime tradition. In Cornwall the prevailing winds come from the south west so it is easier to row a boat to windward than to sail it and this led to the development of the Cornish Pilot Gig, a coxed, fixed seat, six oared, clinker built rowing boat. It is built of narrow leaf elm and modern boats are all 32 feet (9.8m) long with a beam of 4 feet 10 inches (1.47m). The gunwales are too thin to support rowlocks so tholes or ‘pins’ are used. One

When engines replaced sails and oars, interest in racing these boats declined but the sport clung on in Newquay (on the north Cornish coast) and in the Isles of Scilly (28 miles / 45 km west of Cornwall). However, by the 1980s, gig races and the few remaining boats were in danger of dying out. This was changed largely through the efforts of a remarkable local man, Ralph Bird. He triggered a revival by three courses of action. Firstly, Bird organised races. Secondly, he formed the Cornish Pilot Gig Association (CPGA) to see that future gigs were built to an agreed standard and to set the rules of racing. Thirdly, he (eventually) built 29 new gigs with his own hands. The ‘standard’ boat was to be based on the Treffry, built in 1838 and still owned by Newquay Rowing Club. A new boat costs nearly £20,000 ($31,200) and now the two principal boat builders are Hunkins and Nobbs.

To be continued tomorrow...
Friday, January 7, 2011
The Snow Job

The Snow Job
The shell laid upside down
On sawhorses next the barn,
Covered in a shroud of snow
From a nor'easter come shrieking
In the night, like a coven
Of banshees destroying
All possibilities of rowing.
But in his mind the bay flowed blue.
Marsh grass stood plaited,
Green and gold, with sunlight,
Among which sparrows flitted,
Twittering busily their philosophy.
In his mind he was at the bay
Where he set off in his shell,
Past the lichened rocks,
The green baize of them soft to his eye.
A warm breeze nudged him out
Across the cobalt blue water,
A cold blue glove of which covered his hand
When he dipped it into the current.
But it was the white streaks of daylight reflected
In the bay in his imagination
That reminded him of the snow he sought to forget,
Shattering his reverie.
Now in the winter quiet of his house,
With the shell snow-shrouded out next the barn,
He remembered summer,
And the wafer sun rising in the chalice sky.
Philip Kuepper
(December 2010)
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Who Will Win The Boat Race?
It's a new year and I am happy to report that HTBS's Tim Koch has some interesting Boat Race stuff to bring to the table. Tim writes:
It is interesting to compare the pre Oxford - Cambridge Boat Race coverage recently posted here (HTBS 3 January 2011) with this 1939 offering.
The commentator of seventy years ago may not have known that 'bow' of a boat, rhymes with 'cow' not 'hoe' but I am sure that he would not have used the pointless expression 'kind of' five times in thirty seconds as George Nash, the Cambridge President, did. On hearing him speak I was like 'duh' but I am like sure he would be like 'whatever'. It is one of the perils of sharing a common language with the Americans.
Like best wishes for the New Year!
I would like to add some foot notes: Cambridge won the race with 3 lengths in 19 min,. 3 sec. The news reel shows Bobbie Bourne as Oxford's stroke, but he never rowed in the race. Both his father and grandfather were famous Blues. Bourne would later row in the winning 1946 Oxford boat. 'Dickie' Burnell, the tall fellow compared with the very short Oxford stroke in the news reel, would become famous as a 1948 Olympic champion in the double scull with Bert Bushnell. Burnell would write several great books on how to row and scull, but also history books on The Boat Race and the Henley Royal Regatta. - G.R.B.
It is interesting to compare the pre Oxford - Cambridge Boat Race coverage recently posted here (HTBS 3 January 2011) with this 1939 offering.
The commentator of seventy years ago may not have known that 'bow' of a boat, rhymes with 'cow' not 'hoe' but I am sure that he would not have used the pointless expression 'kind of' five times in thirty seconds as George Nash, the Cambridge President, did. On hearing him speak I was like 'duh' but I am like sure he would be like 'whatever'. It is one of the perils of sharing a common language with the Americans.
Like best wishes for the New Year!
I would like to add some foot notes: Cambridge won the race with 3 lengths in 19 min,. 3 sec. The news reel shows Bobbie Bourne as Oxford's stroke, but he never rowed in the race. Both his father and grandfather were famous Blues. Bourne would later row in the winning 1946 Oxford boat. 'Dickie' Burnell, the tall fellow compared with the very short Oxford stroke in the news reel, would become famous as a 1948 Olympic champion in the double scull with Bert Bushnell. Burnell would write several great books on how to row and scull, but also history books on The Boat Race and the Henley Royal Regatta. - G.R.B.
Monday, January 3, 2011
The Boat Race Is Coming Up...

Sunday, January 2, 2011
Any New Year's Resolutions?

This being said, I do have hopes for the new year. Besides hoping that my dear family will be at good health, I hope to continue to do a couple of work-outs on the erg every week. I hope, as soon as the 'winter conditions' has disappeared from the Mystic River, that I will be able to pick up the old wooden single scull, built by Joe Garofalo of Worchester Oar & Paddle Co., that a very nice person gave me for free some months ago. I am feeling a desperate need to get out on the water...
I have promised both HTBS's Tim Koch of Auriol Kensington RC and Per Ekström, editor of the Swedish rowing magazine Svensk Rodd, to meet them at the Henley Royal Regatta this year. I see this as a gentlemen's agreement that I will not break. I also hope to be able to continue to post entries on HTBS during 2011. It became a lot of them last year, thanks to HTBS's special correspondents Hélène Rémond's and Tim Koch's contributions; but also because other readers of HTBS contacted me with rowing questions or suggestions of topics. Please keep them coming!
I would also like to share some good news: I managed to get a new job for 2011! As of now, I am the editor of the Mystic Seaport Magazine. Please wish me luck!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
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