Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Henley Royal Regatta Starts Today!

Monday, June 28, 2010
On Practice Wherries

I agree with Bill about Steve’s beautiful wherry (see above), it is a much more appealing boat than the Aldens. To be really honest, I have always felt that sculling in an Alden was like sculling in a tub.
Regarding Bill’s question if the Seaport has any practice wherries in its collection, I am aware of a couple. To be on the safe side I had a look in Mystic Seaport Watercraft Catalogue by Maynard Bray, Benjamin Fuller, and Peter Vermilya. On pages 260-263 you will find the following wherries:
Union Boat Club Practice Wherry (ca. 1920) 19’ 6” x 2’ 1”
Accession No. 1985.17.1
Pocock Practice Wherry (1960s?) 21’ 5” x 2’ 2”
Accession No. 1999.19.1
2 Union Boat Club Cruising Sculls (ca. 1920) 23’ 0” x 2’ 7”
Accession No. 1985.17.2 & No. 1985.17.3
Practice Wherry (?) 22’ 2” x 2’ 3”
Accession No. 1972.1112
Practice Wherry by Williams (ca. 1934) 20’ 0” x 2’ 0”
Accession No. 1975.313
Williams Wherry (1932) 17’ 0” x 2’ 0”
Accession No. 2000.136.3
More information on these wherries may be obtained by calling the museum’s Collection & Research Center, 860-572-5367 (Thursdays & Fridays only), or by sending an e-mail to: collections@mysticseaport.
Bill, good luck building your own practice wherry!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Among Traditionalists And Inventors

Thursday, June 24, 2010
10 Top Events For Rowers At WBS
As I have mentioned before, The 19th Annual WoodenBoat Show will start tomorrow, Friday 25 June and run for three days, 25-27 June, at Mystic Seaport Museum in Mystic, Connecticut. The museum and the show will be open between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. More information can be found by clicking here.
Allow me to pick out ten events, vendors, and places that you rowers should go to if you are visiting the WoodenBoat Show this weekend:
#1 National Rowing Hall of Fame & rowing exhibit ‘Let Her Run’ – a thrilling place.
#2 Mystic Seaport’s Boat and Engine Collection – see the National Rowing Foundation’s wonderful collection of racing shells.
#5 Rowboat Rentals – get out on the Mystic River.
Allow me to pick out ten events, vendors, and places that you rowers should go to if you are visiting the WoodenBoat Show this weekend:

Time 9:00-5:00, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
Location: G.W. Blunt White Building (No. 54)
#2 Mystic Seaport’s Boat and Engine Collection – see the National Rowing Foundation’s wonderful collection of racing shells.
Time 2:30-4:30, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
Location: Rossi Mill Loading Dock
#3 Paddle and Oar Making.
Time: 2:30, Sunday.
Location: Paint Shed, Shipyard
#4 Mystic Seaport Museum Bookstore – great selection on rowing books.
Time: 9:00-6:00, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
Location: Opposite the Museum’s Main Gate

Time: 10-4:30, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
Location: Boathouse (No. 13)
#6 Adirondack Guide Boat – vendor.
Time: 9:00-5:00, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
Location: Tent A.
#7 Connecticut River Books – vendor, good selection of old, used books on rowing.
Time: 9:00-5:00, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
Location: Tent B.
#8 Norseboat Sailing & Rowing Cruises – vendor.
Time: 9:00-5:00, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
Location: Village Green Exhibits.
#9 WoodenBoat Store – vendor, has published some books on rowing.
Time: 9:00-5:00, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
Location: Tent A.
#10 From ‘Whale Ho’ To ‘Find Out’ Whaleboat Demonstration.
Time: 11:00 a.m., Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
Location: Middle Wharf (No. 27), if rain, Whaleboat Shed (No. 34)
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
For Henley
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Top Entries At This Year's Henley Royal

I am happy to see that Lassi Karonen, Brudpiga Roddklubb of Sweden is going to have a go at The Diamond Challenge Sculls.
Read the Press Release. Read the List of Entries.
Monday, June 21, 2010
World Cup Rowing In Munich
Yesterday was the second round of FISA World Cup rowing, now in Munich, Germany. On FISA's web site you will find all the finals on video. Go to World Rowing Live by clicking here.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Royal Wedding

Yesterday was 34 years ago, exactly on the date, that Princess Victoria’s parents got married. They, now King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia, were also rowed up to the Castle in Vasaorden. For that occasion, in 1976, I organised a celebratory telegram that was sent to the King and Queen from ‘the oarsmen of the Malmö Roddklubb’ – honestly, we were only boys, but a very nice thank you note was sent from the Castle. The note is now in the club’s archives somewhere…
Saturday, June 19, 2010
La Régate On DVD

Great news Hélène. Thank you for sharing it with the readers of this blog!
Friday, June 18, 2010
The 19th Annual Wooden Boat Show

Thursday, June 17, 2010
One Of (The Many) Henley Traditions

Soon it is time for the Henley Royal Regatta again. The good Tim Koch of Auriol Kensington RC is taking part in an ‘unofficial’ Henley tradition, he writes in an e-mail from London. I leave it to Tim to tell the story:

Day One is from Hammersmith to Molesey Boat Club, some fourteen miles. The first six miles are on the tidal Thames, the non tidal part begins at Richmond Lock. There are seventeen more locks between there and Henley and, as they are usually less than three miles apart, they afford regular rest stops to oarsmen past their prime. Day Two is from Molesey to Eton Excelsior Rowing Club, just outside of Windsor, via lunch at Staines Boat Club - twenty one miles in total. The crews stay overnight in Windsor where much beer and curry is consumed. The final day takes us through to Henley via lunch at Marlow Rowing Club - twenty miles. The row ends with a race up the Regatta course (much to the amusement of the younger people in training for the ‘Royal’). Some refreshing local beer is then consumed at the Anchor in Friday Street. The landlord is an ex Kensington RC man and it is the only place that tolerates the smell of three day old kit. Following a welcome shower, blazers and ties are donned for a formal dinner where we are joined by the ‘real’ Auriol Kensington HRR crews and assorted supporters.

* The four in the 1967 photo on top are Wilf Stark (bow), Jacko Stevens (2), Frank Ashenden (3) and Reggie Reeves (Str). All joined Auriol before the 1939-1945 War and kept the club going through some difficult times. I knew both Wilf and Frank (‘Ash’), alas no longer with us. They did the Hammersmith to Henley Row until they were in their late 70’s and had their last row over the Henley course in 1989 when they were in their early 80’s. Frank had to swap sides as he was recovering from a broken arm (he already had two plastic hips). At the end of their row he remarked that the course was ‘longer that it used to be’. At the 1997 Club Dinner, he proposed the toast to ‘The Club’. He went home and died in his sleep later that night. Not a bad end.
Great story, Tim, thank you! And I agree, when it is time to go, that is the way to go. Good luck with the row...
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
”Sporting Life In A Laptop”

The Tabooed Charles Courtney

Bill quotes from John Clagett Proctor’s article “Courtney in recollections of John Hadley Doyle” (published in the Washington Sunday Star, 6 April 1930):
“Charley Courtney, after his many fiascos in matches and tabooed by the public generally, was picked up by the Potomacs as coach a year after they had thrown his boats, etc., from their club, due to his weird and funny race with Hanlan. So good did he make that under him the Potomacs won 17 races, and then Cornell placed him under ironclad bonds, and he could not come back to the Potomacs, even though it was this club that made him.”
Bill Lanouette thanks Ms. Elizabeth Webber for this clip! And thank you, Bill for sharing it with the readers of this blog.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Virgin GB Row 2010

Sunday, June 13, 2010
Scandinavian Rowing In South America

Some weeks ago, the good Tim Koch of London pointed me in the direction of an old photo album that was up for sale at eBay (Thank you, Tim!). The album had, among other things, rowing photographs from the Argentinean rowing club Club Remeros Escandinavos, the Scandinavian Rowing Club, which is located in the town of Tigre on the Paraná Delta, 30 km north of Buenos Aries. The club was founded by some Scandinavians in 1912. I immediately put in a bid, and a couple of days later, I won the album, which has some wonderful black & white photographs, which once belonged to, I believe, a Mr. Nordahl B. Blich (or, Blick?).
The first photograph in the album is from December 1924. It is taken from the deck of the Norwegian vessel S.S. Hanna Skogland. She was built in 1903 for Argo Line in Bremen, and was given the name Alabama. The following year she was bought by the German East Africa Line/Woermann Line and renamed Eduard Woermann. In 1919, she was taken to Great Britain as war reparations and was operated by Union-Castle Mail SS Co., which in 1921 sold her to T.H. Skogland in Norway. Again she was renamed, now to S.S. Hanna Skogland. It is onboard this vessel this photo album begins.

In Buenos Aires he takes up competitive rowing. In a photograph from December 1930, we learn that he and his coxed four were the “Winners of the Cadet Fours” in a regatta at the Scandinavian Rowing Club at Tigre (the photograph on the top of the page!). On the back of the photograph is glued a small newspaper clipping saying that it was a 600-metre race “in favourable weather, rain threatened, but held off, so the regatta were rowed promptly and with great enthusiasm.” The winners were S. Sjöstedt, H.B. Blich, I. Christophersen, N. Torgersen, stroke, and S. Speyer, cox.

Three months later, 15 March 1931, B. Blich was back in a winning boat, this time taking the "Cup La Nación" in the Tigre International Regatta. In the photographs above we see the Scandinavian crew: from the left, stroke J.R. Slötebak, F. Johannesen, cox L. Andersen, H.B. Blich, and S. Sjöstedt.

And there ends my ‘photographic story’ of Nordahl B. Blich. Or, not quite, there are some loose photographs in a pocket of the album showing Blich on a sail boat in the habour of Strömstad on the Swedish east coast in July 1947, and one photograph of an older Blich, wearing a captain’s hat by a sail boat, with the note “Nordahl - 1962”.
I am afraid the photo album does not reveal a lot about Mr. Nordahl B. Blich, or where he came from. He was probably born in the mid-1910s, and maybe he was Norwegian, although all the notes in the photo album and on the back of the photographs are in English. At least he seems to have enjoyed his rowing. And all of us ‘old oarsmen’ know, that if you ever have pulled an oar, you have done something good in life.
Friday, June 11, 2010
The Henley Spirit!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
A New Boat Race

The photographs above are from the British Rowing web site. My warmest thanks to Tim!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
A Swedish Henley Regatta?

I have just watched the ‘race video’, which is posted on the clothing company’s web site, and one can clearly see that it was a well-attended event, almost a little like Henley, when it comes to the well-dressed gents and toffs, the ladies’ hats, the drinks (however, no Pimm’s!), but without the same rowing standard of the crews. In this case, the latter really does not matter, as long as the crews and the spectators were having fun.
Of course, this being the Gant Rowing Race, the race video is more of a commercial for the company’s cloths than an actual race video.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Rowing To Fishers Island

Last Friday in Mystic, I had the great pleasure to meet coaches and a varsity crew from Salisbury School (Connecticut). The team was training in the nearby little town of Stonington, and with some strings pulled here and there, I ended up giving these nice chaps a guided tour in the National Rowing Hall of Fame, the rowing exhibit ‘Let Her Run’, and the Boat Storage at Mystic Seaport Museum. They very patiently and politely allowed me to show them around and to tell some anecdotes about some professional scullers, Thomas Doggett, and Dick and George Pocock, Yale’s 1956 Olympic eight, etc.
The crews’ coaches Tote Smith and Tony Tremaine told me that the boys had been up early in the morning to row their eight from the Connecticut shoreline across Fishers Island Sound to Fishers Island (which actually is in New York State!), a good 2-3 mile stretch of open water (see photograph on top), and then back. Indeed a good way to live up to their school’s motto Esse Quam Videri!
The crew - William Solberg, Tim Smith, Bert Harney, Grant Barnekow, Patrick Grogan, Josh Weinstein, Kyle Good, Emery Schoenly, and cox Bryan Wong – has a busy schedule for the next three weeks. They are going to race at the USRowing Youth National Championships in Cincinnati, and thereafter leave for England to row at the Marlow Regatta, the Reading Town Regatta, and the ever so famous Henley Royal Regatta.
Best of luck, boys, or as you probably would say:
Monday, June 7, 2010
John Gardner's Legacy

Trouble On The Cam
In May 1990, a Swedish coxless four was stopped by the Swedish Coast Guard in the habour of the little town of Åhus, in the south of Sweden. The Swedish National Team was on a training camp and had their headquarters at the local rowing club in town. As the habour offered a fairly straight 2,000-metre course, the four powered up and down the course. Well, that is till the boat was stopped by personal from the Coast Guard – for speeding! The four was rowing faster than the allowed 5 knots.
I wrote about it in the Swedish rowing magazine and the news spread to the big Swedish newspapers, and it was also reported in the Danish rowing magazine, Roning, the British Rowing, and in the FISA Bulletin. The rowing world was laughing at the dumb Swedes, or so it felt…
The other day, Rachel Quarrell of British Rowing Service reported that Cambridge News had a piece about Cambridge University Combined Boat Clubs (CUCBC), which had received a letter from the Conservators of the River Cam complaining that CUCBS crews had been using “excessive speed” when they were training for the May Bumps! Read the article by clicking here.
Quarrell also had a link to a press release from Cambridge University BC saying that its Chief Coach, Chris Nilsson, who had such a successful 2010 season, will not seek to renew his contract with the club for 2011. Instead, he will return to his native New Zealand “for lifestyle reasons”. Read the full press release here.
I wrote about it in the Swedish rowing magazine and the news spread to the big Swedish newspapers, and it was also reported in the Danish rowing magazine, Roning, the British Rowing, and in the FISA Bulletin. The rowing world was laughing at the dumb Swedes, or so it felt…

Quarrell also had a link to a press release from Cambridge University BC saying that its Chief Coach, Chris Nilsson, who had such a successful 2010 season, will not seek to renew his contract with the club for 2011. Instead, he will return to his native New Zealand “for lifestyle reasons”. Read the full press release here.
World Cup Rowing In Bled
If you missed the first World Cup rowing in Bled in Slovenia last Sunday, on 30 May, FISA’s web site has all the finals on video - free to watch! Go to World Rowing Live by clicking here.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
The Bournes: 5 - Carring The Family Tradition
Here is the fifth and final entry about The Bournes.
It must have weighed heavily on a young man’s shoulders to be the grandson of the famous coach Gilbert C. Bourne and the son of the great stroke Bob Bourne. In the book The Boat Race, Gordon Ross states that “R.M.A. Bourne was a great disappointment to his father because he could not get into the Eton boat.” R.M.A. (‘Bobbie’) Bourne, who was born in 1919, only made it into the 2nd eight at Eton which indeed must have felt as a dissatisfaction coming from a renowned rowing family like the Bournes. However, during his last summer at Eton, Bobbie Bourne did reach the final of the School Pulling (pair), and he did win the School Mile which both his grandfather and father had done before him.
After Eton, Bourne went up to New College in 1937, but the following year, he joined the Army. During the Battle of Dunkirk in 1940, Bobbie Bourne was captured by the Germans and he spent the rest of the War in a prison camp. When the War ended, he went back to study at Oxford, and, although “thin and wiry as ever”, as John Langfield writes in his obituary about Bourne, published in Regatta in March 1996, Bobbie Bourne made it into the Blue boat in 1946. The dark Blues won The Boat Race by 3 lengths in 19 min. 54 sec. The same year, he was in the Leander eight that took the Grand and on the same day he won the Stewards’. In 1947, his eight lost The Boat Race to Cambridge.
Here is a newsreel of Oxford training in 1946. Young Bourne can be seen early on, 5 seconds into the film, before the crew goes on the water.
Bobbie Bourne was soon elected a Henley Steward, and he went back to Eton to become a classical master. He was very well liked at Eton, though he got himself into trouble, Langfield writes in his obituary, “having set his classes to compose limericks on the four evangelists.” Of course, Bourne also coached rowing at Eton and his crews had great success winning Princess Elizabeth Cup and the Ladies’ Plate. Bobbie Bourne died in 1996.
It must have weighed heavily on a young man’s shoulders to be the grandson of the famous coach Gilbert C. Bourne and the son of the great stroke Bob Bourne. In the book The Boat Race, Gordon Ross states that “R.M.A. Bourne was a great disappointment to his father because he could not get into the Eton boat.” R.M.A. (‘Bobbie’) Bourne, who was born in 1919, only made it into the 2nd eight at Eton which indeed must have felt as a dissatisfaction coming from a renowned rowing family like the Bournes. However, during his last summer at Eton, Bobbie Bourne did reach the final of the School Pulling (pair), and he did win the School Mile which both his grandfather and father had done before him.

Here is a newsreel of Oxford training in 1946. Young Bourne can be seen early on, 5 seconds into the film, before the crew goes on the water.
Bobbie Bourne was soon elected a Henley Steward, and he went back to Eton to become a classical master. He was very well liked at Eton, though he got himself into trouble, Langfield writes in his obituary, “having set his classes to compose limericks on the four evangelists.” Of course, Bourne also coached rowing at Eton and his crews had great success winning Princess Elizabeth Cup and the Ladies’ Plate. Bobbie Bourne died in 1996.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
The Bournes: 4 - 'Beja', The Old Master Coach
Here continues the story of Dr. Gilbert Charles Bourne, famous coach at Oxford.
In A Text-Book of Oarsmanship Bourne agrees that the orthodox style has changed since Warre’s days, and that the style has been taught differently by different coaches, all being campaigners for the English orthodox style. The general factor that all the 'orthodox' coaches of the day could agree upon was that the Cambridge coach Steve Fairbairn’s new 'style' was wrong and therefore should be rebuked, which Bourne also does in his book. One error among many that Bourne found with Fairbairn’s Jesus College crews, who fully rowed according to Fairbairn’s method, was that they “always had an air of dreaminess about it.”
Beware the Orthodox, my son,
A few oarsmen and coaches thought that a mix of the two styles were to be preferred, “each style has its own particular merits, and when the best points of each are blended then, in my opinion, perfection is very nearly achieved,” Vivian Nickalls wrote in 1932. But to “blend” the two different styles would be a rare thing to suggest during Bourne’s and Fairbairn’s lifetime. It would however be a more openly discussed subject during the 1950s and 1960s. Vivian Nickalls’s thoughts to “blend” the styles would be expressed some thirty years later by H. R. A. ‘Jumbo’ Edwards in his The Way of a Man with a Blade (1963) where he writes: “… by ‘orthodox’ I mean teaching the best method of moving the body to achieve maximum muscular efficiency in propelling the boat. The Fairbairn method was to teach the oarsman to perfect his bladework and to apply the maximum power to it throughout the stroke. Of course, the ideal is achieved by a combination of these two methods. Putting it another way, orthodoxy was the teaching of the pure art of rowing, while Fairbairnism was the application of the art to winning races. […] It is the greatest pity that Steve and Beja [Dr. Gilbert C. Bourne] never worked together. They would have produced wonderful crews.”
In A Text-Book of Oarsmanship Bourne agrees that the orthodox style has changed since Warre’s days, and that the style has been taught differently by different coaches, all being campaigners for the English orthodox style. The general factor that all the 'orthodox' coaches of the day could agree upon was that the Cambridge coach Steve Fairbairn’s new 'style' was wrong and therefore should be rebuked, which Bourne also does in his book. One error among many that Bourne found with Fairbairn’s Jesus College crews, who fully rowed according to Fairbairn’s method, was that they “always had an air of dreaminess about it.”
The year after, in 1926, Steve retorted Bourne in the book Rowing Notes. Regarding his dreamy Jesus crews, he writes, “Dr. Bourne […] says my crews look dreamy. They could not have given higher praise, especially as the criticisms were intended to be against the style in which I coach my crews. [- - -] Does not looking dreamy only mean being very smooth? In my opinion the dreamier a crew looks, the nearer it approaches to the poetry of motion.”

A jocular rhymester gave his view of the orthodox style in the Cambridge student magazine The Granta:

A jocular rhymester gave his view of the orthodox style in the Cambridge student magazine The Granta:
Beware the Orthodox, my son,
The slides that check, the arms that snatch;
Beware the drop-in blade, and shun
The Bourneish shoulder-catch.
A few oarsmen and coaches thought that a mix of the two styles were to be preferred, “each style has its own particular merits, and when the best points of each are blended then, in my opinion, perfection is very nearly achieved,” Vivian Nickalls wrote in 1932. But to “blend” the two different styles would be a rare thing to suggest during Bourne’s and Fairbairn’s lifetime. It would however be a more openly discussed subject during the 1950s and 1960s. Vivian Nickalls’s thoughts to “blend” the styles would be expressed some thirty years later by H. R. A. ‘Jumbo’ Edwards in his The Way of a Man with a Blade (1963) where he writes: “… by ‘orthodox’ I mean teaching the best method of moving the body to achieve maximum muscular efficiency in propelling the boat. The Fairbairn method was to teach the oarsman to perfect his bladework and to apply the maximum power to it throughout the stroke. Of course, the ideal is achieved by a combination of these two methods. Putting it another way, orthodoxy was the teaching of the pure art of rowing, while Fairbairnism was the application of the art to winning races. […] It is the greatest pity that Steve and Beja [Dr. Gilbert C. Bourne] never worked together. They would have produced wonderful crews.”
‘Jumbo’ Edwards should know as he had rowed for them both, at Oxford and later for The London RC. It is significant that Edwards dedicated his luminous book “to the memory of the greatest of Old Masters Steve and Beja”.
Dr. Bourne only published one book on rowing during his life time. However, the year after his death, in 1933, his manuscript about his younger days was published, Memories of an Eton Wet-Bob of the Seventies, which is a very exciting read for anyone interested in Eton and Oxford of those days. It is not, however, an easy book to find in an antiquarian bookshop nowadays.
Dr. Bourne only published one book on rowing during his life time. However, the year after his death, in 1933, his manuscript about his younger days was published, Memories of an Eton Wet-Bob of the Seventies, which is a very exciting read for anyone interested in Eton and Oxford of those days. It is not, however, an easy book to find in an antiquarian bookshop nowadays.
In tomorrow's entry the story about the Bournes continues, then about Bobbie Bourne.
Friday, June 4, 2010
The Bournes: 3 - The Theoretical Coach

G. C. Bourne rowed in the bow seat in Oxford’s winning Blue boat, both in 1883 and 1884. In front of him sat, at two-seat, R.S. de Havilland and they would later become advocates for the English orthodox style taught by the famous Dr. Edmond Warre, head-master and their rowing coach at Eton.

Here is a 5-minute newsreel from 1925, Getting Well Together, “by courtesy of Doctor Bourne” [who is coaching the dark Blues in this film!]:
More about Dr. G.C. Bourne in tomorrow's entry!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
The Bournes: 2 - 'The Ugly Stroke'
In my column for April in British Rowing’s Rowing & Regatta, I am telling the story of the historic race between Oxford and Cambridge in 1912, or maybe I should write, their first race in 1912; there was also a second race, on 1 April, which Oxford easily won.
It was during the first race, on 30 March, that both the light blues and the dark blues sank. Well, actually when Cambridge really sank, outside of Harrods, Oxford did get waterlogged coming out of Hammersmith Bridge, but went over to the Surrey shore where they emptied out the water. Back in the boat, and after a couple of strokes, the umpire’s launch showed up and Fred Pitman, the umpire, declared a ‘No-Race’. And here the famous Robert Croft Bourne (1888-1938), the stroke in the dark blue boat, comes into the picture again. Years later, the Oxford cox, H.B. Wells, would give his account of this race, saying that “I will not repeat what Bob Bourne said to me when he heard this.” A good guess would be that Bourne said sometimes in the lines of his ‘GDBM’, which was discussed in yesterday’s entry.
Bourne did tell the crew to begin to paddle again. Umpire Pitman lost his temper seeing this and shouted: “What are you doing Oxford? Where are you going? Didn’t you understand that I have declared ‘No-Race.’” Bourne shouted back: “We are going to Mortlake,” and after a short pause, he added, “because our clothes are there.” And off to Mortlake the Oxford crew went, Bourne making a point that it was possible to row the full course.
Not many had high hopes for Bob Bourne as a stroke in his first Boat Race, in 1909. He had not really distinguished himself at Eton as a good ‘oar’. To borrow Gordon Ross’s words in his book The Boat Race (1954): “[Bourne] was of slight build and of moderate physical strength; he never weighed much over eleven stone, and even in 1909 that was a light weight for a Blue. Nor was he an attractive oar to watch; he had an exaggerated reach forward and a long and ugly lie-back at the finish; and there were some who thought that the choice of him to stroke the Oxford crew of 1909 was due largely to the fact that his father was the coach.”
But Bob Bourne proved them all wrong. He stroked the dark blues to victory in 1909, and in 1910, 1911, and 1912. Bourne was gravely wounded during the First World War, in August 1915 at Suvla Bay in the Dardanelles, which stopped his career at the oar. After the war, he went into politics, and was elected a Conservative MP for Oxford in 1924. In 1938, at the age of 50, Bourne suddenly died while walking in Scotland. Ross writes “the long-delayed effects of his war wounds caused a collapse of his heart.”
Next entry will be about Bob Bourne’s legendary father, Dr. Gilbert Charles Bourne.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
The Bournes: 1 - 'GDBM'
‘GDBM’ – what does it mean? Well, the good Tim Koch of Auriol Kensington RC has drawn my attention to New College Boat Club’s web site where you will find the explanation to ‘GDBM’.
But let me start from the beginning. By now, I have written quite a lot about the 1912 Olympic Rowing Regatta in Stockholm, both here on my blog, but also elsewhere, see for example "Samuel F. Gordon and the 1912 Olympic Rowing" and "Olympiaden 1912" (the latter article is in Swedish). At the Stockholm Olympics, each country was allowed to enter two crews in each boat class. Great Britain sent its two best eights, from Leander Club and from New College BC, Oxford. The Leander crew consisted mostly of oarsmen from Magdalen College. New College web site claims that the two British crews were the favourites for the gold in the eights, disregarding that a good eight from Sydney RC actually two weeks earlier had taken the Grand Challenge Cup at Henley, beating New College on the way to the final, where the Aussies had over-powered the Leander eight.
However, in the Olympics, Leander defeated the Australian eight, making the final an all-British affair, between Leander and New College. On New College's web site the story goes: “The course in Stockholm was not straight, and one of the two lanes was clearly favoured, the other requiring the cox to steer around a protruding boathouse and then back under a bridge.” [Yes, the course was not straight, but not really that bad, as it had a slight bend where both boats had to go under a bridge.]
New College's web site continues “Before the final, the two British captains met to toss for lanes. New College won the toss and following gentlemanly tradition offered the choice of lanes to their opponents, who would - in a gentlemanly fashion - refuse this offer. However the Leander/Magdalen captain accepted this offer and chose the better lane. Leander went on to win the gold medal, leaving New College with the silver.” [Although, I have done a lot of research on this regatta, this was news to me.]
The New College web site goes on, “King Gustav V of Sweden was so disheartened by this display of ungentlemanly conduct that, as a consolation, he presented his colours to New College. Ever since then, New College has raced in purple and gold, the colours of the royal house of Sweden.” [The colours of the House of Bernadotte, or the Royal House of the Kingdom of Sweden are blue, gold, white, and red - not purple. However, in a case of printing a legend or the truth, print the legend!] And then the New College web site comes to GDBM: “A further tradition has been the adoption of the toast: God Damn Bloody Magdalen!, the supposed words of the New College stroke Robert Bourne (seen in a SPY drawing on top) as they crossed the line. The abbreviation GDBM is still used commonly, being on the bottom of the NCBC letterhead to this very day.”
More about Robert ‘Bob’ Bourne tomorrow!

However, in the Olympics, Leander defeated the Australian eight, making the final an all-British affair, between Leander and New College. On New College's web site the story goes: “The course in Stockholm was not straight, and one of the two lanes was clearly favoured, the other requiring the cox to steer around a protruding boathouse and then back under a bridge.” [Yes, the course was not straight, but not really that bad, as it had a slight bend where both boats had to go under a bridge.]
New College's web site continues “Before the final, the two British captains met to toss for lanes. New College won the toss and following gentlemanly tradition offered the choice of lanes to their opponents, who would - in a gentlemanly fashion - refuse this offer. However the Leander/Magdalen captain accepted this offer and chose the better lane. Leander went on to win the gold medal, leaving New College with the silver.” [Although, I have done a lot of research on this regatta, this was news to me.]

More about Robert ‘Bob’ Bourne tomorrow!
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