Monday, November 5, 2012

The HTBS Tie is Here!

Ever since HTBS posted the entry about Madeleine Johnson’s ‘rowing tie’ company Old College Ties, ‘Fancy Rowing Ties’, on 1 September this year, I have been dying to get this blog’s own unique tie. I consulted with my HTBS co-fellows, the gentlemen Greg Denieffe and Tim Koch, about their thoughts on a special HTBS tie. Of course, both of them being members of the Henley Stewards Enclosure, they do not mind at all to wear a necktie, so I did not have to convince them at all that a HTBS tie was a good idea; as a matter of fact, we all thought it was a brilliant idea.

The HTBS tie at the factory.
I contacted Madeleine Johnson, who, as the nice lady she is, immediately understood HTBS’s need to stand out in the blogging world. I mean, after all, how many blogs, rowing blogs and non-rowing blogs, can brag that they have their own unique tie to offer their readers?

So, not only can you be a reader of HTBS, you can be a handsome readers of HTBS. The HTBS tie, which is designed by Tim Koch, has a navy-coloured base with two horizontal stripes in light blue and yellow, which will go nicely with a white or a multi-coloured shirt, together with your blazer, or sport coat. The narrow part of the tie is in plain navy, and the tie has a grosgrain ribbon, in yellow with white dots, which stops it from sliding around under your collar.

Now, to truly make this a unique HTBS tie, it also has its own special HTBS label. To take advantage of having the Italian family-owned factory, which has produced knitted ties for international luxury brands for three generations, and which is hand-making the ties for Madeleine’s Old College Ties, the HTBS tie is in the finest quality of 100% cashmere wool with fine texture, and it is strong, light and very soft.

The luxury brands are selling their cashmere ties for prices starting at $125 and up. However, HTBS is not a business (yes, really, we are not!), so we are selling our unique tie for $75 (that’s £47) per tie. (Not including packing + postage, and we are not making any money on that either.)

The HTBS is truly a limited edition, though, we might consider ordering another batch from Madeleine if you readers go all crazy about them!

Send an e-mail to me at gbuckhorn –at– ; please write ‘HTBS tie’ in the subject line, and I will tell you how to pay me via Paypal or U.S. cheque (payment in US dollars, please).

HTBS Tie: $75 (£47) per tie.
USA $3.00
Canada $4.50
U.K. & Scandinavia (and most west European countries) $5.50
Australia & New Zealand $5.50
Other countries I have to get quotes from the post office.

Maybe you were so inspired by this that you want to order a unique tie for your rowing club, group or organisation? I can warmly recommend Madeleine and Old College Ties, contact her here. You will also find a link to Old College Ties under the list 'Buy Rowing Stuff' on the right.

Update 6 Nov. 2012: In an e-mail, Madeleine tells me that Paul Stuart is selling their cashmere ties from the same Italian factory that is making the HTBS tie for $198.00, so our tie is a real bargain!

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