Friday, January 6, 2012

Team Gallagher Trans-Tasman Rowing Challenge

Bernard Hempseed writes from New Zealand:

Here is a link about four guys trying to row from Sydney to Auckland, Team Gallagher Trans-Tasman Rowing Challenge. This is one of the worst stretches of water with frequent storms etc. They have had some bad luck with being pushed back and not making progress. I think they thought they might be home by Christmas when they set out, but they are still out there. One of the chaps is James Blake, son of the late Sir Peter Blake of NZ sailing fame (he won us the America’s Cup!) Sir Peter got killed by pirates on the Amazon about ten years ago.

Thank you, Bernard for this report. Read more about these brave fellows here, and do watch the film clip above, nothing wrong with the holiday spirit among them. Keep it up, gentlemen!

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