Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Hooray For HTBS!

Dear reader of HTBS - on 12 March, 2009, I started this rowing blog, I guess out of being bored... At first, I thought that no one was actually going to read it, I did not even bother to put up a so called site metre. After a couple of months of blogging, I did realise that there were people reading it, and I have happily been blogging away ever since, now with help from rowing friends in France and England. However, when HTBS turned one year, I did ‘install’ the site metre, which earlier today showed that HTBS has had its 100,000 visit (with slightly more than 230,700 page views!). In the blogging world it might not sound like a lot, but for a blog dealing mainly with rowing history, it is incredible!

My warmest ‘thank you’ to all you loyal readers of HTBS & and to contributors Hélène Rémond, Tim Koch, Greg Denieffe, and Philip Kuepper.


  1. We love what you write, Goran. Given you've reached such a milestone - would you consider adding an RSS to email service so people can receive your updates in their in-box?
    Try www.feedblitz.com you just import your feed and then add a sign up box to the home page... you should get more readers,

  2. Dear Rebecca - Thank you for your kind words. As a matter of fact, the first time you suggested an 'e-mail service' so readers could subscribe to HTBS I did put one up immediately. Please have a look up on the right, above 'About Me' - Cheers!
